Rules of Baccarat

by Mckayla on April 5th, 2022

Baccarat Procedures

Baccarat is played with 8 decks of cards. Cards of a value less than ten are counted at their printed value meanwhile 10, J, Q, K are 0, and A are each applied a value of 1. Wagers are placed on the ‘banker,’ the ‘player’ or for a tie (these aren’t actual gamblers; they purely symbolize the 2 hands to be played).

Two hands of two cards are then dealt to the ‘banker’ … ‘player’. The score for each hand is the sum total of the two cards, but the initial digit is dropped. For e.g., a hand of 7 as well as 5 gives a total score of two (sevenplus5=12; drop the ‘one’).

A third card could be given depending on the following codes:

- If the gambler or banker has a score of 8 or 9, each players stand.

- If the gambler has 5 or less, he/she hits. bettors stand otherwise.

- If bettor stands, the banker hits of 5 or lower. If the gambler hits, a chart shall be used to decide if the banker stands or hits.

Baccarat Odds

The greater of the 2 scores is the winner. Victorious wagers on the banker pay at nineteen to 20 (even money less a 5% commission. Commission is tracked and paid out when you leave the table so be sure to have cash left before you leave). Bets on the player that end up winning pay 1 to 1. Winning bets for tie as a rule pay 8 to one but on occasion 9 to 1. (This is a crazy bet as ties will happen less than 1 every 10 hands. Avoid wagering on a tie. Even so odds are significantly better – 9 to 1 vs. 8 to one)

Played properly, baccarat provides relatively good odds, apart from the tie wager of course.

Baccarat Tactics

As with all games, Baccarat has some well-known misconceptions. 1 of which is very similar to a misconception of roulette. The past is in no way an indicator of future events. Tracking of historic outcomes on a chart is simply a complete waste of paper … an insult to the tree that gave its life for our stationary needs.

The most established and probably most successful tactic is the 1-3-2-6 scheme. This plan is deployed to maximize payouts and lowering risk.

commence by gambling one unit. If you win, add one more to the two on the table for a total of 3 on the second bet. If you win you will have 6 on the table, clear away 4 so you have two on the third bet. If you win the third bet, add two to the 4 on the table for a total of six on the 4th gamble.

If you lose on the initial bet, you suck up a loss of 1. A win on the first bet followed by loss on the second will create a loss of two. Wins on the 1st two with a loss on the third gives you a profit of 2. And wins on the first three with a loss on the 4th mean you breakeven. A win on all four bets leaves you with twelve, a profit of 10. Thus you can get beaten the 2nd bet 5 times for every successful streak of four bets and still break even.

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